Main Street USA is made for example of a typical Midwest town of the early 20th century. The basis of Walt Disney took the street of the city Marceline (Missouri), where he spent his childhood. Walt has worked closely with designers and architects, in order to exactly recreate the main attractions of Main Street. As in any real Main Street, Disney's version includes a variety of shops, cafes, restaurants, town hall, movie theater, fire station, railway station. Double decker buses, tram horse-drawn fire engines, cars, cruising on Main Street USA, accurately reflect the appearance of the vehicles of the late 19th - early 20th century. All recreated to the smallest details and an exact copy of that period.
World Adventure (Adventureland)
Adventure World is designed to recreate the feeling of exotic tropical regions of Asia, Africa, South America and Oceania. The original purpose of the ride was to provide a realistic, believable journey through the jungle. To that end, here supposed to bring live animals from Africa and populate their river, but after zoologists told Walt that the animals would be lying, or hiding, instead gathered mechanical animals.
"Jungle Cruise" is considered the main attraction of Disneyland in the park area. Passengers climb aboard this paddle steamer and sent down the river, resembling the Amazon. Along the banks, they can observe the artificial, but to move and make sounds of tropical animals.
"The Adventures of Indiana Jones" is another popular attraction in the world of adventure. Based on the Steven Spielberg about Indiana Jones, the participants in the all-terrain vehicles enter the Temple of the Forbidden eyes. Temple of the Forbidden eye is an indoor attraction with the imitation of movement in space, in which participants travel by car through a specially-lit scenes with animation, sound, music and special effects. Here they follow the Indiana Jones and stayut personally witnessed lava bubbling calderas, whizzing whizzing arrows, fire-breathing serpent, collapsing bridges and falling boulders (especially plausible effect for sitting in front of the participants).
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